The Cartoon Network has announced plans to develop an MMOG in conjunction with Seoul-based Grigon Entertainment. The partnership will be the first US-Korean union to bring an MMOG to the global marketplace.
The as-yet-to-be named Cartoon Network MMOG is slated to drop in the Spring of 2008 and target the '
tween' interactive market, which the Cartoon Network already has a firm grasp on. Like many MMOGs the title will be subscription based, as well as incorporating microtransactions, but on the plus side it will be free to download.
The title's persistent world will feature many staples of its genre, including content updates as time progresses and deep exploration abilities. Grigon will develop the game with an "East-meets-West" approach while making sure that all content is compliant with the Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) to ensure safe gameplay.
"Cartoon Network is an immersive experience for our fans, and this MMOG will allow our fans to interact with their favorite characters like never before. Not only will kids be able to play with their favorite characters like Mac and Bloo, Ben 10 and the Kids Next Door, but they will also be able to develop their own online gaming personalities and interact, virtually, with other players in a safe way," said Jim Samples, Cartoon Network executive vice president and general manager.