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Hate Not Having Closure?
Published on September 21, 2005 By iTZKooPA In PC Gaming
I have asked this question in a few different places and have yet to find a good answer. Has anyone ever come across a site that had a collection of game endings, as in the final movie or storyline. I really hate some games were you have to go beat the game again to get a final endings or beat it a certain way or achieve this or that because most people over say 18 don't have that kinda time (for more than a game or two that is). If not would you guys be at all interested in a site like that?
on Sep 21, 2005
Well, game endings can usually be found in walkthroughs on sites like Game FAQs, but you can also find various specific game endings via google.

I found some sites that had a large collection of endings, but they were generally for older systems.

I think finding out the game ending (or alternate endings) is part of the lure of gaming. It's working diligently on something challenging...investing time and effort...and being rewarded for your efforts. The same is true of special features you get when playing through for a second time after beating a game.

Some people don't have much time to read...they could skip to the end of the book and read it...but they miss a lot of context as well as diminish their experience.

I think game endings are all about achievement and often, allowing oneself to be immersed in a story.
on Sep 22, 2005
I like alternate endings. Instead of buying 3 games, I can buy one and get 3 different experiences. So I may still work and see all endings, just spend less money on games. I reckon Arcanum fansites listed all the possible endings in the walkthroughs (you could get tens of messages depending on what you had done in-game) and that was interesting because I discovered a few possibilities there. If the game didn't match the alternate ending to the way I played it, I'd probably have thrown it away.
on Sep 22, 2005
Some people don't have much time to read...they could skip to the end of the book and read it...but they miss a lot of context as well as diminish their experience.

While I understand your point, I don't believe it is legit. The alternate or better ending is only that, and ending, there aren't many games that have different cutscenes and such through a game, which is more along the lines of what you meant. Although in those games it is certainly worth the time to go back for different experiences (assuming the game is a good one). The last game I went back to for a different ending was Eternal Darkness (beat it all three time for the "real" ending, and at least I KNEW I was going to get the different ending, not like some games were you have to do things correctly), but I was also without a job for a month at the time.
on Sep 23, 2005
Well, the Japanese have quite a few game save sites for all their hentai games so you can unlock all the scenes and pictures immediately.
on Oct 03, 2005
O god, WHY do you know that?!