And now the exciting conclusion to ' Interview with a Pirate .' TG: How many busts did you 'live' threw during your stint in pirating? WS: I can only remember about four busts during what I would call my serious activities, which started when I moved to IRC. TG: Were you ever part of or connected to RiSCISO? WS: No, for the most part I stuck to what is called the 0day scene. Being on dial-up as I was I never became interested in the ISO scene until very late in my career. At tha...
As many of you may have heard there was another piracy bust targeting the well known piracy group RiSCISO. I had the opportunity to talk with a reformed pirater about his life as a pirater, his addiction to his craft and finally his views of the recent crackdown on the scene. The interview in its entirety will be posted in two parts and if anyone wishes to ask questions he will address as many as he can. He has also stated that he WON'T shy away from any tough question as long as the ...