As promised I returned MUCH sooner than my previous posting, a man of his word. We left off with the completion of two solid, yet not without flaws, Co-op games and move onto the realm of handheld single player titles. I should point out that I am not listing what I have completed in any specific way, most of these titles are just what I have finished since my posting last April. I am trying to order them chronologically but its doubtful that its right, since I am positive I am missing som...
So I last updated you all on my gameplaying experiences almost a year ago so I figured that it was about time for another post. Hopefully now that I am completely done with school (go graduation) I will have more time to update this pitiful excuse for a blog along with playing games and just having more free time in general. For starters, I quit World of Warcraft after almost two years of being a hardcore player. I quit in November along with my girlfriend, and as I stated when we both s...
Many people have fond memories of cheating, if you were lucky enough to be around video games during the late 80’s most of you will probably remember “The Code.” This refers to a series of button presses that when done correctly give you what is now known as “The Konami Code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A),” first used in Contra to give players twenty seven extra lives per continue. Cheats such as these first started as simple debugging tools, allowing developers to ru...
So I have decided to move my pitiful personal game reviews from my Gamespot Account to LiveJournal (which I won't link) and now it should stay here at JoeUser. As I stated in my farewell on the Gamespot account, I will continue using that for the game database features, I just wish they would add a “Completed” option along with the "Wishlist," "Collection," and "Tracked" options. The last game which I decided to recap was Paper Mario for the N64 which I didn't finish until...
Update : Another user has received the following response from the team: From: I am only going to state this once... get it to your "team". We at did not create our petition to stop development or inclusion of StarForce. We do not condone the invasive procedures used by StarForce, but that was never our intent, and WILL never become our intent. Please stop sending these emails to us. They fall on ears that are not interested in hear...
And now the exciting conclusion to ' Interview with a Pirate .' TG: How many busts did you 'live' threw during your stint in pirating? WS: I can only remember about four busts during what I would call my serious activities, which started when I moved to IRC. TG: Were you ever part of or connected to RiSCISO? WS: No, for the most part I stuck to what is called the 0day scene. Being on dial-up as I was I never became interested in the ISO scene until very late in my career. At tha...
As many of you may have heard there was another piracy bust targeting the well known piracy group RiSCISO. I had the opportunity to talk with a reformed pirater about his life as a pirater, his addiction to his craft and finally his views of the recent crackdown on the scene. The interview in its entirety will be posted in two parts and if anyone wishes to ask questions he will address as many as he can. He has also stated that he WON'T shy away from any tough question as long as the ...
Incoming...Okay, apparently some people think that my sub-title makes me look like a moron, but its a joke, if you don't get it...well...rethink your comment!Testing link stupidity: Thisisatest from JU C+P from Ooo C+P from Ooo to Notepad to JU The quotes are somehow different in OpenOffice and notepad and cause JU to screw-up....sooooo annoying.
I have asked this question in a few different places and have yet to find a good answer. Has anyone ever come across a site that had a collection of game endings, as in the final movie or storyline. I really hate some games were you have to go beat the game again to get a final endings or beat it a certain way or achieve this or that because most people over say 18 don't have that kinda time (for more than a game or two that is).If not would you guys be at all interested in a site like that?...
I finally got my girlfriend to move into the other room so now we can both play computer games at the sametime (she used to complain that I clicked very loud) and in the first week or so since this happened I have obviously been playing games alot more. Check out all the nice loot I was able to get my hands on! First I snagged: Grabbed all my enchating mats I had left and got me the +15agil on it! Then I took the time to grab/buy/farm for th...
For those MMO players out there, especially the hardcore ones, you may have heard of the so called "farmers." Players who simply play the game to get items/gold to sell for profit. has a pretty in-depth article on the topic including interviews with the people, and some information on just how much these virtual sweatshops can pull in, 6-7 figures!
So it has been roughly 5 months since WoW launched (I can't believe that but thats what the computer is telling me) and I was wondering how many of us are still playing on a frequant basis. I have never really stopped playing the game through the whole 5 months and have concentrated on one character who I have gotten up to 53 atm. Currently I am in arguably the best alliance guild on the Magtheridon server (All That Remains) and have been with them since the beginning. Although I still play...
Once again the gaming community abuses the right to do whatever they want on April 1st with numerous developers, publishers and news sites creating their own fools. Blizzard fired up their April Fool's jokes as usual only this time they decided to take a shot at a fellow MMORPG, Everquest 2. As many of us probably remember (and use) the introduction of the /pizza command in Everquest 2 which would bring up a webpage for you to order pizza. Blizzard instead has the user ordering chinese ...